Prescryptive in the news

As part of a multi-language strategy to make healthcare work for everyone, Prescryptive Health launches Spanish language access…
The company’s prescription shopping and management experience, myPrescryptive, is now available in Spanish, making it easier for more…
La experiencia de compra y gestión de recetas de la empresa, myPrescryptive, ya está disponible en español, lo…
The company’s transparent pharmacy benefit solution delivers improved total prescription costs in third-party report.
The FTC’s investigation into the business practices of PBMs could expose the outsized influence PBMs have on access…
Take a look back at the most popular Total Pharmacy coverage for 2022, including the NCPA recommendation of…
Prescryptive Health partnered with Eli Lilly and Company on a new subscription model to help lower costs for…
Prescryptive Health has partnered with Eli Lilly to create a subscription-based insulin program for employers that aims to…
The new financial model aims to provide price transparency while encouraging medication adherence.
Prescryptive CEO, Chris Blackley, joins the Healthcare Americana podcast to discuss the root of the prescription drug pricing…
With a new year on the way, pharmacists have so much to be grateful for, and a world…
Partnership will offer a comprehensive and transparent experience for Transcarent Members.