
Partner with Prescryptive Health as we rewrite the script for the US pharmaceutical market

We’re building a more equitable and transparent ecosystem that connects patients, prescribers, pharmacies, payers and pharma manufacturers. If you’re ready to embrace that mission, you’ve found the right partner.

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A more individualized experience for Transcarent members and their families

Confusing, complex and costly no more. By teaming up, Prescryptive and Transcarent are putting patients at the center of an improved pharmacy care experience.

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Building community based on shared values with the NCPA

Partnering with Prescryptive helps the National Community Pharmacists Association (NCPA) imagine an AI-powered path into the future for independent pharmacies.

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Challenging the traditional drug-pricing model in partnership with Eli Lilly and Company 

Creating a new and first-to-market insulin subscription model helps stabilize costs for employers and increase utilization for diabetics reliant on employer-based care.

CASE STUDYConfluence Health

“Before Prescryptive, we were fielding issues with our pharmacy benefit almost weekly”

Confluence Health partnered with Prescryptive to manage formulary costs and lower prices for their members.
Key successes

$5.13 saved

since switching to emPMB

  • 7,000 members

    successfully transitioned

  • 30% cost reduction

    on non-speciality medication

CASE STUDYPurdy Cost Less Pharmacy

“AI pricing gives me confidence I’m not leaving money on the table.”

As a co-owner of more than 24 independent pharmacies largely located in the Pacific Northwest, Jeff Harrell, PharmD, knows the critical role technology plays in evolving his pharmacy business – profitably.
Key successes


revenue increase year to date

  • 16%

    revenue increase

  • Personalized data

    analysis and insights


“[Costs are] 45% lower than when we started three years ago.”

In March of 2020, a plan transitioned mid-year from a large pharmacy benefit management (PBM) company to Prescryptive Health — and it hasn’t looked back.
Key successes


improvement in plan savings compared to the incumbent

  • 30%

    drop in PMPM costs for the plan in the months following Prescryptive’s implementation

  • Person icon

    Plan member

    experience has exceeded all expectations


employer satisfaction rating with Prescryptive transition


members would feel disappointed without myPrescryptive


reduction in formulary noncompliance

News & Insights

  • As seen in: Healthcare Business Today

    Current prescription models ignore patients. It’s time to put them at the center.

    Sticker shock at the pharmacy counter creates a ripple effect of negative consequences for both patients and population…

  • As seen in: Pharmacy Times

    Community pharmacies may benefit from embracing AI for enhanced profitability

    When pharmacies use Prescryptive AI Pricing, they see a gross profit margin of nearly 54%. Paige Clark, VP…

  • As seen in: Medical Economics

    Change is coming to old pharmacy benefits models – here’s what it can mean for healthcare

    The legacy PBM model is no longer sustainable. But the good news is that pharma and other healthcare…

  • REPORT: Employer attitudes on GLP-1s, including coverage, costs, and outcomes

    A recent report by Pharmaceutical Strategies Group (PSG), sponsored by Prescryptive, spotlighted red hot GLP-1s and how employers…

  • Connect with us

    Want to bring transparency to your prescription process? Get in touch to see how.