Patient engagement technology for a digitally demanding consumer

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Whether it’s retail or healthcare, today’s tech-savvy consumers want to be fully engaged in the purchasing process. Instead of having decisions made for them, buyers prefer to learn as much as they can from trusted sources so they can choose what’s best for them.

In our 2022 Independent Pharmacy Trends report, 72% of respondents said they’d be likely to use their mobile phone to compare drug prices and “shop around.” And Deloitte’s 2022 Connectivity and mobile trends survey found one in three smartphone owners monitor their health through their phone. That’s a lot of empowered consumers taking their well-being into their own hands, literally.

This power shift is a big reason patient engagement is such a hot topic in healthcare.

What is patient engagement?

National Institutes of Health defines patient engagement as the desire and capability to actively choose to participate in care in a way uniquely appropriate to the individual, in cooperation with a healthcare provider or institution, for the purposes of maximizing outcomes or improving experiences of care.

In other words, patient engagement means working directly with the patient to give them a voice. And that’s a good thing — for patients and providers:

  • When a patient is encouraged to participate in their care, they understand their health better and stick to a prescribed plan, leading to improved outcomes.
  • A collaborative approach to care comes with financial impacts: reduced no-shows, fewer readmissions, loyal patient base, and increased revenue.
  • By partnering with patients, healthcare providers can make better care decisions, enhance the relationship, and improve retention.

When patient engagement is low, there are real-world effects:

5 questions to ask about patient engagement technology

Engagement is more than conversations and collaboration. It takes technology to reach a tech-smart consumer. Digital patient engagement tools provide the personalized experience patients expect and give health systems the competitive edge they need.

But before making the engagement investment, ask these five questions to help sort through the options.

  • 1. Is it mobile? 

    Consumers expect mobile solutions to enhance every aspect of their lives. The stats are eye-opening: 85% of the population owns a smart phone.1 By 2024, there will most likely be over 187 million mobile shoppers in the US. Connect with the patient where they are — on their phone.

  • 2. Does it provide transparency? 

    Technology should give patients access to the information they need up front. Can they see their co-pay before they get to the pharmacy? Do they know if there’s a lower-cost alternative? With a transparent patient engagement solution, the answer is always yes.

  • 3. Does it connect rather than disrupt?

    Middlemen drive up healthcare costs and take power from patients. This old way is out of sync with modern consumer expectations. Effective patient engagement technology puts the consumer at the center, armed with info and choice to take control of their health.

  • 4. Is it secure?

    Data security should take a front-row seat for any company, but especially in healthcare. Nearly 50 million people in the U.S. had their sensitive health data breached in 2021. Plan for peace of mind with smarter technology and advanced security protections.

  • 5. Does it engage at the right time? 

    When technology engages with the patient at the point-of-care, medication and health challenges can be identified and addressed immediately, leading to enhanced adherence and healthier outcomes.

A patient engagement experience activated by a digital prescription

Consumers want to shop for healthcare, including their prescriptions, like they shop for everything else. Transparency, choice, and convenience have never been more important. myPrescryptive connects to the patient at the point of care with mobile solutions that make it easier to stick to a healthy plan. That’s the power of patient engagement when it matters most.

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Prescryptive Health
At Prescryptive, we believe the best experience drives the best outcomes and that by empowering the healthcare consumer with the ability to take ownership of their prescription, we can fundamentally change how the prescription drug market is delivered and consumed in the United States.

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